Monday, April 25, 2011

these are a few of my FAVORITE things!!!!!!!!

(please, please, please in the name of all that's good and holy....sing that title in all its Sound of Music

1. the Easter bunny over at the Spielman's house

let's be clear...i hate the normal chocolate bunnies received in the Easter basket, but at our house the E.B. rolls with flavor...not an ordinary, nasty bunny, BUT a Reese's one....mmmhhmmm get in my tummy! (oh wait, you're already there...)

2. carrots inside my body and carrots outside ON my body...what i'm sayin' is y'all need to go snatch this off the shelves! 

seriously...the past 2 weeks since i've had their lotion it's been a relief! my body has been UBER itchy and breaking out with the season change and their lotion has been what i look forward to every morning and night! it doesn't smell like carrots so no worries:)

3. the netflix free month trial on my computer.

4. getting together with ALL my extended and nuclear family on any given holiday! laughter is insured for the majority of your experience as well as yummy food!

5. baking! it's a recent tradition that every Easter my sister and i bake a new  dessert for the family gatherin'. in the past full palates have enjoyed the tastes of grasshopper oreo pie, and strawberry lemon cheesecake. this year we baked this delicioso

red velvet, cheesecake brownies

these were super simple and actually turned out to be purple velvet, cheesecake brownies for us!:) you see we didn't have any red food coloring, so purple was the spring color i decided on!

these are a few of my favorite things....dadadada lalalala...
until next time....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

it's gettin' hott in hurrr

kansas summers are on their way..unfortunately.

i loathe, i mean i really LOATHE hot and humid weather....but where do i live? that's right kansas. 

the last couple of days have been bearable with temperatures in the 70's and soft breezes sifting through the air. however...i know it's coming, and no one can make me like it. all this to say that you know it's warming up when katelyn's outfits get more more casual and less and less cute. 

 it will soon be apparent that summer has hit and i've given up all hope of looking fly. here's an example....i mean it's only in the 70's and i'm already wearing this look out!

i know..every one's dying to know where they can find these beautiful pieces to add to their personal collection!
 top: 4 yr old t-shirt from MNU bookstore
bottoms: mossimo jeans from target cut off as of a week ago
headband: target (goodie)

what can i say...summer makes me a total fashionista. deal with it oookkk.

guess what?!?!?! found out 2 days ago that my brother and sister-in-law are preggers...AGAIN! when this baby arrives, they will have an 8, 3, 2 yr old + a newborn...c.r.a.z.y.
don't worry they never plan it this close and that's what makes it hilarious! what what, can't wait for another ADORABLE child!!!

also let the record show how faithful God always is, even when i'm not! i went to bed at 1 in the a.m. last night after only getting through 1/4 of my study book for my BIG, pharm ATI today. i had the truest intentions of waking up at 5 to continue the study mania before my test at 9 a.m.

i woke up at 8:55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i boogied my way to cook (in time!) took the test while worrying about the lack of lost study time and then prayed fervently that i would get at least a "2" ( based on % right, below 1-horrible, 1-yikes, 2-oh yeah, 3-you da bomb)

and guess what...i gotta 2....ahhhh yeah baby.

Monday, April 11, 2011

going off the deep end....

KIRSTEN CAME TO TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what what!!! yayaya!
all i got to say about that.

oh and also we had tons of fun cuz these 3 amigos
iowa trip via sarah sue's cameradora.
and it felt so good...

things to never let go of from this weekend:
-getting 2 different numbers from the staff @ Chapala...
-kirsten getting kissed by "the cute one" (on the cheek...i know what a freaking hussy...share the love!)
-laughing so hard we cried
-playing boxers and briefs with the de haans
-being immature
-aaaannnnnddddd getting our huurrr did...

go dark with your blonde self..check off the "100 things to do before I die" list...
as sarah so kindly put it,
"go big or go home"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


i confess i've done something terrible. you know when you think you've learned your lesson from a horrible experience and vow never to repeat the actions that got you there. well i failed....and,
i tried giving myself bangs...again.
after all the horror i experienced last time i got the sudden impulse..the problem is, i never share this spontaneous urge with anyone, so they can stop me.

note to self. TELL SOMEONE.
 or you will walk around feeling like steve urkel all day. seriously! when i went to the hospital to pick up my patient for clinicals, i kept looking down and praying that no cute doctors walked by...would hate for these to be their first impression of me:
i was hoping for the whole sandra bullock at the golden globes look,
and sorta of missed it by a long shot...everyone keeps complimenting and reassuring me they will grow longer in a short period...but let's be many times have you said "oh i like your new haircut" and then really didn't?????
me= a lot. i'm just too nice..and really what else are you gonna say, "ah have fun with that trashbag on your head!" uhm no.

well here's to day 3 of something new and different with the ole mop
signing off with 
"did i do that?!!?"

yes urkel, you sure did.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

vanilla caramel latte=late night post

in all efforts to avoid studying...i'm posting one last thing to the blogsphere at the night owl hour of 10..yes it's true.

all i wanna post is day 2 of something new hairdos! i wanna try do something new and different with my hair, everyday for the next 30 dias. 

i never do anything with my hair, so we shall see.
 today i did fishtail pigtails. 

end of the day shots

quite messy. 

over and out.

i wear my sunglasses at night

i had an epiphany yesterday while painting.

not sticky, nasty substance messy or like unbathed messy, but messy as in splash in puddles, play in the mud, paint on my clothes and limbs messy. i discovered this thought floating in my head after i consistently kept wiping the paint brush on my forearm without blinking. i also didn't hesitate to just use my fingers to highlight the canvas.

i like this discovery about myself. i've always hoped that when i was a mom i would be o.k. with letting my kids get dirty, and messy once in a while. make huge art project messes, play in the rain, and mud. no problemo.

random memory i must remember from yesterday: while studying at the roasterie last night with the sister, an older gent walks in at 9ish wearing sunglasses. i immediately give beaky "a look" and she instantly starts smiling and whispers, "what?" i barely whisper while holding back laughter, "i wear my sunglasses at night."

she knew what to do, and turned her head to discover the funny. best part.

Monday, April 4, 2011

decide what to be, and go be it.

who do you wanna be when you grow up? asking me?!?! well i wanna be a mommy, nursey nurse, wifey, arTIST, writer, dairy farmer, counselor, teacher, disciple of Jesus, and a 
peace lovin'
tree huggin'


for reals! i LOVE when people call me a hippie or another synonym of those tots rad peeps! i mean they are notorious for issues they support which for the most part match mine. i like eco-friendly things, nature, peace, folk music, community, long braided hair, uh-huh, most definitely

the drugs, sexin' with randoms, not so much me...but like i said for the most part we are all mamas and papas of the same dreams, those hippies and me.

really i just started out with out that spiel (hey that's part of my last name:)) to say i dared to dress like one today. why? because mainly i wanted to do something new with my hair rather than pony-tail it up or leave it down and boring, and today was UBER windy. so i put on my bold big girl panties and went all out. i wore for the like the 1st TIME, my thrifted black nighty looking shirt that has the belled sleeve openings.

did i get called a hippie? oh yeah baby. i smiled politely and thought "you have no idea buddy.."
weekend recap:
baby brotha went to his 1st prom...tear tear
gorgy serena his gf and date!
this reminds me why i love him.
also i got to spend some time with my dear loved ones
he is so funny and hard working. i love him.
she pushes children who we've just met. i love her.