Thursday, August 4, 2011

whatta man, whatta man, whatta man....

what a mighty fine man,
yes he is (will be)

so I read this i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e. article yesterday, from Donald Miller's blog.
you can find it >>>>> h.e.r.e.

anyways it empowered me to seize control over my whiny little lack of a love life.
it called me out and encouraged me at the same time.

mooving on. i decided to make a list of qualities that must be present in a boy before i consider him hubster material.

i broke out the husband journal that i began when i was just a freshie at university and comprised my list to pray over and check twice before considering a relationship serious.

here it is:

*loves God whole-heartily 
*makes the world a better place
*listens to me & doesn't interrupt
*thinks about me a whole LOTTA...and lets me know
*challenges me to become a better human and christian
*loves to learn and teaches me new things
*protects me
*values my opinion
*shows me he misses me
*is g.r.e.a.t. with strangers, elderly & kids
*actively pursues me
*seeks God's will
*prays for me
* makes me laugh cutie McCute cute...let's get here.

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