Friday, June 10, 2011

lighter note

fridays deserve to be funny fun fun.
so, i thought i share some classic, ridiculous moments of my life this week.

embarrassing moment numero uno:

our toilet threw a fit this week yet again. there was absolutely NOTHING blocking the drain, i'm certain. to be completely honest and real, amanda and i had not pooped in it to clog it.
for some odd reason it was filling with water to the brim, and of course i was the only one here
i decided that it was finally time to go purchase our very own, first plunger.
the toilet had pulled this same stunt a couple of weeks ago and we borrowed our neighbor across the hall's.

i had proudly walked out of the local grocery holding a toilet plunger solely in my hand. i even thought to myself, "at least i don't know any of these people."
i arrived back at the 1S, and to my horror found our new cutie putie neighbor Sean out on his balcony above our apartment!!!!
(insert theme music from the movie Psycho)
i stayed in my car for 2 or 3 minutes rummaging through things, pretending to be on the hunt for a treasured, lost item.
with no avail, sean remained on his porch and i accepted my embarrassing doom.
out of the car, crossing the street, holding the plunger and of course sean waves and asks how i am.
i quickly respond, "er good, our toilet's being stupid."
word vomit.
i really wish my brain had a filter!
he chuckles..."oh yeah..that stinks!"
"yeah we haven't even went number 2 ( #2, am i toddler?) and it's acting clogged!"
vomitting all over at this point
"ohh sounds like you might have to call Manny!"
"oh yes, Manny our latin lover, handy man!"

thankfully he changed the subject to the mini garden he planted for us and we stayed on this, one of my favorite topics for quite a while.

embarrassing moment 2:

i just finished watering our one and only hanging flower plant, i bought last month, when i had an accident.
while trying to hang it back on the hook, it fell and went crashing down the steep hill in front of our place.
the dirt and flowers came completely out.
so when i'm in the process of picking it up, of course who's outside grilling!
"hey katelyn!"
"hey are you?"

c'est la vie

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